» Games » Educational » Download Coloring games for kids age 2 [MOD MegaMod] latest version 0.3.7 for Android
Download Coloring games for kids age 2 [MOD MegaMod] latest version 0.3.7 for Android

Coloring games for kids age 2 - [MOD MegaMod]

Votes: 4900
  • Developer
    Amaya Kids - learning games for 3-5 years old
  • App Name
    Coloring games for kids age 2
  • Version
  • Category
    Games / Educational
  • OS
    Android 6+
Скачать Coloring games for kids age 2 - [MOD MegaMod]
Download Coloring games for kids age 2 - [MOD MegaMod] last version 0.3.7 apk

Introduction to the game Coloring games for kids age 2

  If you have a little one who loves to color, then this game is perfect for them. Coloring games for kids age 2 is a fun and interactive way for young children to explore their creativity and unleash their artistic skills. With a variety of colors and patterns to choose from, your child can create beautiful masterpieces right on their tablet or phone. This game is not only entertaining but also educational, helping kids learn about different colors and shapes in a playful manner.

Full description

  Coloring games for kids age 2 is a simple yet engaging app that allows children to color in various pictures using their fingers. The game features a wide range of coloring pages, from animals and nature scenes to cars and princesses. Each picture is outlined in black, and kids can tap on different colors to fill them in. There are also options to erase mistakes and clear the page to start over. The app is designed with vibrant graphics and cute animations that will captivate young minds and keep them entertained for hours on end.

Gameplay overview

  The gameplay in Coloring games for kids age 2 is straightforward and intuitive. Children simply select a picture they want to color and choose their desired colors from a palette at the bottom of the screen. They can then tap on different areas of the picture to fill them in with color. There are also options to zoom in and out for more precise coloring, as well as an eraser tool to fix any mistakes. The game is designed to be easy for young children to navigate, with simple controls that allow them to focus on being creative.

Features and complete system requirements

  - A wide selection of coloring pages to choose from - Vibrant colors and cute animations - Easy-to-use controls for young children - Eraser tool and clear page option - Zoom in and out feature for precise coloring - Compatible with Android devices running version 4.2 and up

Best tips for playing the game

  - Encourage your child to experiment with different color combinations - Use the eraser tool to fix mistakes and start over - Zoom in for more detailed coloring - Let your child's imagination run wild and create unique masterpieces

Pros and cons of the latest version



- Updated graphics and animations - More coloring pages to choose from - Improved performance and stability


- Some ads may interrupt gameplay - Limited color options on certain pages

Mod features: Coloring games for kids age 2 [MOD MegaMod]

  The MOD MegaMod version of Coloring games for kids age 2 offers additional features and benefits, such as unlimited access to all coloring pages, ad-free experience, and exclusive color palettes. With this mod, your child can enjoy the game without any distractions and unlock premium content for a truly immersive coloring experience.

Design and personal impressions of the game

  I was impressed by the colorful and engaging design of Coloring games for kids age 2. The graphics are bright and cheerful, perfect for capturing the attention of young children. The gameplay is simple and intuitive, making it easy for kids to express their creativity and have fun. Overall, I think this game is a fantastic way for kids to learn and play in a safe and enjoyable environment.

Tips for passing

  To get the most out of Coloring games for kids age 2, encourage your child to explore different coloring styles and techniques. Let them experiment with mixing colors and filling in patterns to create unique artwork. Remember to praise their efforts and encourage them to keep coloring and expressing themselves creatively.


  In conclusion, Coloring games for kids age 2 is a delightful app that offers young children a fun and artistic outlet to express themselves. With a wide range of coloring pages, vibrant colors, and easy-to-use controls, this game is sure to keep kids entertained and engaged for hours. Whether your child is a budding artist or just loves to color, this game is a must-have for any parent looking to spark their child's creativity. Download the latest version [MOD MegaMod] today and let your little one's imagination soar!

System Requirements:

Pay close attention to this section, as failure to meet the specified requirements may result in issues with installing the application. First, check the version of the operating system installed on your device. Second, ensure you have enough free space, as the application will require resources for its download.

Operating System: Android 6+
Size: 856MB


This paragraph presents game statistics, indicating the success of the game, installation count, and the current version available on the portal. The installation count from our platform will inform you how many people have downloaded [name] for the Android system. This information is useful in determining whether you should install the application if you prioritize popularity. Additionally, version details will help you compare your version with the one recommended.

Installations: 190000
Version: 0.3.7


This paragraph provides social data, offering insights into the games rating among visitors or users of our platform. The average rating is calculated through mathematical computations, while the number of votes indicates user activity in rating the game. You also have the option to participate in the voting and influence the final results.

Average Rating: 3.7
Number of Votes: 4900

How to obtain Coloring games for kids age 2 - [MOD MegaMod] application from our portal?

Grant permission for installation from unknown source:

1. Access the Settings menu on your Android tablet.

2. Select Security in the menu.

3. Identify Unknown sources in the menu.

4. Grant permission for installation from your chosen browser or file manager application where you plan to obtain the APK file Coloring games for kids age 2.

Download the APK file:

1. Open your chosen browser or file manager application on your Android tablet.

2. Visit the website from which you want to download the APK file.

3. Highlight the link to the APK file on the website and click on it.

4. The browser will initiate the file download to your tablet.

Install the APK file:

1. After the file get is complete, you will receive a notification in the notification bar of your tablet.

2. Click on the notification to initiate the APK file.

3. Upon completion of the APK file get, Click Install and launch the application.


